Agro-energy Company


We lead in the development of the Ukrainian economy towards renewable energy as alternative sources for the
generation of heat and electricity

Our Mission Statement

Agro-Energy Company SALIX energy sees its social purpose in promotion the development of the Ukrainian economy towards renewable energy as alternative sources for the generation of heat and electricity.

The founders and management of «SALIX energy» building its business on the principles of environmental compatibility and sustainable developmen

Providing Value to Our clients Through ongoing Services

Wood Chips Sales

Wood chips produced from our plantations can serve as a green alternative to conventional, less environmentally friendly sources of obtaining heat and energy.

Planting services

Our company offers assistance with planting services. Our experience allows us to develop a clear landing plan, and our equipment guarantees a high level of quality of the result.


Our company offers a variety of high quality willow seeds, fully ready for the future planting.

Soil preparation

We offer soil preparation with technology that is similar to the preparation of the soil under the vegetable crop group and depends on the condition of the land.

Energy Crops

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Energy Crops

Today there are about 20 species of fast-growing plants that can be grown for biomass. This are eucalyptus, poplar, willow, miscanthus and others.

Bio Energy

Production of electricity and heat from solid biomass today is carried out mainly by combustion in solid fuel fired boilers to produce a high-pressure steam. ​

Energy Willow

Willow is used as a primary plant for production of solid fuel. One hectare of energy willow absorbed from air more than 200 tons of CO2 over 3 years.

Energy Poplar

Energy poplar belongs to the perennial (tree) energy crops. Cultivation technology of energy poplar is close to the technology of growing energy willow.

Agro-energy Company founders

Ihor Hryhorenko

Director of Agro-Energy Company

Kostyantyn Bogatov

Managing partner of Agro-Energy Company

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About Us

Agro-energy Company founded in 2010.

The main activity is the cultivation of energy willow for biomass production. The end product is wood chips from energy willow plantations that can be used to produce both heat and electricity.