
New product – Eco-briquettes

Salix Energy has been successfully operating on the Ukrainian agro-energy market for over 10 years. The company’s focus was mostly directed to biomass production. However as the world is moving towards a more sustainable, innovative future, Salix Energy has decided to expand its focus and introduce to the market new more environmentally friendly eco-briquettes for the bbq. The unique product that serves well-known purposes but does not harm nature.

Salix Energy is using the existing base to develop new ways to make our society more sustainably oriented. The great experience in the field together with already existing willow plantations put Salix Energy on the path of developing eco-briquettes from the environmentally friendly willow chips, used as raw material for carbonisation.

The environmental approach is present at all stages of production, avoiding not only unnecessary emissions, but also black timber market.

  • 0 herbicides and chemicals for the establishment and operation of plantations
  • Willow plantations create conditions for the growth of animal populations
  • A plantation of 1,350 hectares absorbs 24.7 thousand tons of CO2, emitting 17.8 thousand tons of oxygen per year
  • The willow does not require annual aeration, and therefore does not deplete the soil
  • Each hectare of plantations drops 6 tons. foliage / year, which significantly improves the quality of the land

The lab-studies carried by Salix Energy showed technical characteristics that  highlight  the ability to freely compete with the existing products on the market, while being progressively more sustainable.

  1. Carbon content - 87.4%
  2. Moisture - 5.16%
  3. The highest heat of combustion in terms of combustible mass - 8,090 kcal / kg
  4. Net calorific value in terms of combustible mass - 7 860 kcal / kg
  5. Ash content - 6.65%
  6. The share of sulfur - 0.2%

Salix Energy created product samples to check the focus group`s real life experience with eco-briquettes, as the consumers` comfort and satisfaction plays a significant role in the company's values.

The results showed that combustion time met the standards of 4 hours, showing the high competition possibility for the product.

Focus groups faced similar experience to the existing briquettes in terms of usability ease and quality assumption.

Potential of the product is extremely high, as there are no existing analogies present on the market so far. Sharing the same full experience, while carrying about nature -  a combination that can bring us to a green and happy future.

News Details 

Salix Energy representatives participated in the workshop “Prospects for energy crops in Ukraine”.

On the 30th of June in Kyiv oblast (s.m.t. Doslidnyzke) the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine jointly with the Kyiv Regional State Administration with support of LLC “Ukrteplo” and Bioenergy Association of Ukraine conducted the workshop “Prospects for energy crops in Ukraine”.

Over 80 participants from all over Ukraine and from Poland attended the workshop. The seminar was aimed at raising awareness of local authorities and community development, as well as attracting businesses to create new renewable energy sources in the form of perennial plantations of energy crops.

The workshop consisted of theoretical and practical parts and was held at the site of UkrNDIPVT named after L.Pohorilyi of NAAS of Ukraine. 

During the workshop, Irina Hnap, the Director of agro-energy company «Salix energy», shared with the company’s experience of growing energy willow.

May 24, 2016 in Lutsk Salix Energy held Energy Field Day.

In order to popularize alternative energy Salix Energy on the 24th of May held “Energy Field Day”. The event was attended by about 30 people, including scientists, farmers, agricultural companies, woodprocessing and energy companies.

The event consisted of a theoretical part in the form of lectures and practical part in the form of visits to existing facilities.

During the theoretical part of the seminar presentations on the experience of growing energy willow and construction and operation of solid fuel boilers made by the Salix Energy director Irina Gnap and analyst Volodymyr Ivakhiv. The expert of Bioenergy Association Ukraine, Ph.D. Semen Dragnev, introduced the current situation and prospects of the Ukrainian bioenergy sector,

​The practical part of the event included visits to plantations of energy willow and experimental plantations of new varieties of willow and other energy crops such as poplar, miscanthus and switchgrass. During the trip participants were also demonstrated the technics involved in the process of planting, caring for plants, collection and transportation of the chips from willow. “Energy Field Day” was completed with the visit to 1.2 MW boiler house in the Ivanychi village with a demonstration of willow chips combustion in wood-fired boilers.

Agro-energy company “SALIX energy” entered the TOP-50 projects of STALO contest, conducted by Ekonomika Communication Hub, NGO “Communication for changes” under support of UNO Development Program in Ukraine and the Global Environment Foundation.

In an interview to the contest organizers, a managing partner Konstantin Bogatov told about development, evolving problems solution and project results obtained during the first 5 years of activity.

Why biofuel is important for Ukraine today? And what prevents popularization of energy substitution in Ukraine?

The full version of the interview of experts in the field of alternative energy.

Benefits and “pitfalls” of willow business in Volyn.

In comparison with other countries, Ukraine spends a lot of thermal energy. Trends in alternative energy force market participants to seek new opportunities and create new capacities for the production of heat. The so-called “gas needle”, as well as the political and the military component of the “gas issue” make one think about the prospects of alternative fuels, one of which is energy willow.

Konstantin Bogatov, managing partner of LLC “Salix Energy”, goes on to tell about the advantages and the “gotchas” of willow business in Volyn news.

“Energy Field Day”

Agro-energy company “SALIX energy” due to numerous appeals of potential customers and partners hold the practical seminar Energy Field Day on May 27, 2015 in the Volyn region.

May 27, 2015 in Lutsk Salix Energy will held Energy Field Day.

Company executives will make presentations of willow business and arrange the visit to the facilities of the company (willow plantations with a technics demonstration, as well as the existing boilers on alternative fuels). We invite everyone to take part in the seminar.

June 6, 2016

Salix Energy representatives participated in the workshop "Prospects for energy crops in Ukraine". On the 30th of June in Kyiv oblast (s.m.t. Doslidnyzke) the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine jointly with the Kyiv Regional State Administration with support of LLC "Ukrteplo" and Bioenergy Association of Ukraine conducted the workshop "Prospects for energy crops in Ukraine". Over 80 participants from all over Ukraine and from Poland attended the workshop. The seminar was aimed at raising awareness of local authorities and community development, as well as attracting businesses to create new renewable energy sources in the form of perennial plantations of energy crops. The workshop consisted of theoretical and practical parts and was held at the site of UkrNDIPVT named after L.Pohorilyi of NAAS of Ukraine.  During the workshop, Irina Hnap, the Director of agro-energy company «Salix energy», shared with the company’s experience of growing energy willow.

May 30, 2016

May 24, 2016 in Lutsk Salix Energy held Energy Field Day. In order to popularize alternative energy Salix Energy on the 24th of May held "Energy Field Day". The event was attended by about 30 people, including scientists, farmers, agricultural companies, woodprocessing and energy companies. The event consisted of a theoretical part in the form of lectures and practical part in the form of visits to existing facilities. During the theoretical part of the seminar presentations on the experience of growing energy willow and construction and operation of solid fuel boilers made by the Salix Energy director Irina Gnap and analyst Volodymyr Ivakhiv. The expert of Bioenergy Association Ukraine, Ph.D. Semen Dragnev, introduced the current situation and prospects of the Ukrainian bioenergy sector, ​The practical part of the event included visits to plantations of energy willow and experimental plantations of new varieties of willow and other energy crops such as poplar, miscanthus and switchgrass. During the trip participants were also demonstrated the technics involved in the process of planting, caring for plants, collection and transportation of the chips from willow. "Energy Field Day" was completed with the visit to 1.2 MW boiler house in the Ivanychi village with a demonstration of willow chips combustion in wood-fired boilers.

September 14, 2015

Agro-energy company "SALIX energy" entered the TOP-50 projects of STALO contest, conducted by Ekonomika Communication Hub, NGO "Communication for changes" under support of UNO Development Program in Ukraine and the Global Environment Foundation. In an interview to the contest organizers, a managing partner Konstantin Bogatov told about development, evolving problems solution and project results obtained during the first 5 years of activity.

November 11, 2015

Why biofuel is important for Ukraine today? And what prevents popularization of energy substitution in Ukraine? The full version of the interview of experts in the field of alternative energy.

June 5, 2015

Benefits and "pitfalls" of willow business in Volyn. In comparison with other countries, Ukraine spends a lot of thermal energy. Trends in alternative energy force market participants to seek new opportunities and create new capacities for the production of heat. The so-called "gas needle", as well as the political and the military component of the "gas issue" make one think about the prospects of alternative fuels, one of which is energy willow. Konstantin Bogatov, managing partner of LLC "Salix Energy", goes on to tell about the advantages and the "gotchas" of willow business in Volyn news.

May 29, 2015

"Energy Field Day" Agro-energy company "SALIX energy" due to numerous appeals of potential customers and partners hold the practical seminar Energy Field Day on May 27, 2015 in the Volyn region.

April 10, 2015

May 27, 2015 in Lutsk Salix Energy will held Energy Field Day. Company executives will make presentations of willow business and arrange the visit to the facilities of the company (willow plantations with a technics demonstration, as well as the existing boilers on alternative fuels). We invite everyone to take part in the seminar.

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